18. Oktober 2016

Werkstatt Erfahrungen in Namibia. Teil 3

Der Besitzer von RW-Motors hat sich nun, nach zwei bösen Mails von mir, doch noch gemeldet.
Er anerkennt sein Fehlverhalten bei dem Vertuschungsversuche und entschuldigt sich.
Ob die von ihm beschrieben Ursache des Schadens stimmt, kann ich nicht beurteilen. Typisch ist, dass solche Vorkommnisse immer die Putzfrau, oder wie in diesem Fall der Lehrling zu verantworten hat.

Hier sein Antwort:

Emanuel……………………..I apologise for not coming back sooner.  As I was away for ten days, on my return, the work load was extremely high and I had a lot of problems to solve.

The cooling system of the bus was very rusty and had to be flushed numerous times.  The mechanic was busy refilling the cooling system when the accident happened.  The car was parked in front of a work bench with the engine idling and the transmission in neutral.  The apprentice was busy re-fitting the interior engine cover when he accidentally knocked the gear lever into drive, the bus lurched forward, narrowly missing the mechanic and ran into the work bench.  The vice was unscrewed and the handle broke the head light lens and also  bent the metal grill. After repairing the grill and testing the bus, we noticed a crack on the radiator mounting.  I Tried to locate a new radiator but Mercedes Benz said that it was no longer available, the same as with the head light lens. I tried to have it repaired locally with no success.  I then repaired it myself as the crack was small and right on top of the cooler. I thought it would work (which it did not )

As it was the first time something like this has happened to me, I have learned not to hide it, as it only worsens matters. I do apologise for my irresponsible behaviour and I am also willing to pay for the radiator repair.

This was an unnecessary accident. I cannot understand why he was fitting the engine cover with the engine running. He probably did not realise that the bus does not have a transmission lock  mechanism.  It was an accident and I apologise.

PS. I do not have a nasty attitude towards you and would prefer to resolve this matter as I understand your concern and I take responsibility.


Jim Roos